
The Center for Reproducible Biomedical Modeling would like to invite you to participate in a monthly online cell modeling seminar beginning Tuesday November 6th.

Predictive models of cells are needed to understand biology, rationally design microorganisms, and precisely treat disease. Numerous challenges must be overcome to develop predictive models of entire cells. This seminar aims to stimulate discussion about how to overcome these challenges and foster an interdisciplinary cell modeling community.


  • November 6, 2018: Sheriff Rahuman
    Project Leader, European Bioinformatics Institute
    Leveraging public data repositories for cell modeling
  • December 4, 2018: Bill Hlavacek
    Scientist, Los Alamos National Laboratory
    Formalizing and leveraging qualitative observations of system behavior in model development
  • January 8, 2019: Stephen Larson
    Co-founder, OpenWorm Foundation and CEO, MetaCell
    OpenWorm: Building a whole animal simulation
  • February 5, 2019: Barbara Bakker
    Professor, University Medical Center Groningen
    Computational models and network-based drug design for metabolic disease
  • March 5, 2019: Andrew Hessel
    CEO, Humane Genomics
    GP-write and the future of engineering living organisms: a personal perspective
  • April 2, 2019: Jacky Snoep
    Professor, University of Stellenbosch
    Data and model management using the FAIRDOMHub: from experiment to model simulation and publication


  • Day/Time:  First Tuesday of each month, starting November 6th @ 3pm EDT
  • Replay with second discussion: First Thursday of each month @ 9 am IST
  • Location: Online Zoom webinar [link]
  • Format: 25-min presentation & 35-min group discussion
  • Archive: Past seminars will be available at YouTube
  • More info: https://reproduciblebiomodels.org/seminar